March 14 2025 00:19:21
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Hoops on men
Hope that this subject is not covered in detail before...

Hoops on girls are quite amazing, I think that every member of this forum would agree to that. We would not have been here otherwise. But what about men? It is possible that there are a lot of women that fancy men with different kinds of hoops. I would agree that there are few men who would feel truly comfortable with big hoops in public. It might be a fetish thing for some (like for those who like to dress in woman's clothing) but that is not what I am after here.

Being a hoop lover and a man, I couldn't resist having my own ears pierced. I wear "regular" body jewellery in them, BCR:s (Ball Closure Rings) of stainless steel. I now wear rings with a diameter of 19 mm (3/4 ") for most of the time, and up to 28 mm (1 1/10 ") when going out. My favourites right now are 22 mm and with the thickness of 2.4 mm (10 gauge).

Any male hoop wearers out there? Any girls digging them?
Good for you. I love it when a man wears hoop earrings. Why should the girls have all the fun.
I'm a man and my ears are also pierced. Now i'm wearing just small hoops. Wink Kat: Why do you love a man wears hoop earrings?
I wear 4 gauge ball closure rings.I also have longhair and i keep my hair over my ears so that the earwear doesnt show very much.
I Really dig the feeling of wearing these things but i dont care to be stared at for this reason.It makes me feel self conscious and uncomfortable in general.You get the inner sense that people are looking at you critical mindedly,or thinking you're femmy or girly,which i'm not of course.Cool
Hi 4GaugeCbr, I can definately relate to what you are describing, it is interesting thoughts.

Sometimes when I wear earrings, I feel girly, and not so comfortable. Especially around people that I believe to be conservative in their taste, and in situations where I am caring about what they are might think about me. At other times I feel sexy and rebellious. It can change quickly Wink.

We all love ear piercings (and hoops!) worn by women. It is beautiful and mindbogglingly sexy but it is also quite socially accepted trough all layers in society. OK. some women do not dare to go with big hoops because they think that it might make them look too wild or even "cheap". Not that men usually would mind, though Cool.

For men, it is another story, it is much more of an statement and takes more courage to pull it off. You could choose the easy way that is always accepted, or you could opt for the smaller path, winding to yet unknown places.

When it comes to jewellery, the "piercing" type of jewellery (BCR:s, tunnels, etc.) is almost unisex. It is very uncommon with men in large thin hoops (of the kind that is focused on this website), but they are often seen in thicker gauge rings, multiple small BCR:s and with stretched lobes. But it is still a bigger statement, especially if you have not taken it to such a degree that people will put a "sub-culture" stamp on you.

In my opinion, concerning the earrings, in general, and the hoop earrings into special, these jewels constitute the prerogative of the women. But, I repeat it, each one has the right of its opinion and one does not discuss the tastes of others.
I've had my ears pierced for years now and I wore mostly smaller hoops but lately I've been experimenting with bigger hoops. I think they look awesome on girls with long hair and now that my hair is quite long I can't resist wearing bigger and bigger hoops, although I still go with smaller ones when I wear my hair in a tailSmile The smallest i wear is about 1" and I've gone to 3" most of the time. I also wear long dangle earrings sometimes tooSmile Any other guys out there into this???
I suppose you could count me in with the experimentalists, but it is also more or less obvious from my earlier posts in the tread. I do also have fairly long hair, down to the shoulders, it is hard for me to grow it much longer than that, I believe. It is a interesting thought that hoops goes "easier" with long (free) hair, than with short/pony tailed hair. You may have a point!

What kinds of hoops do you wear? Plain or with ornaments (celtic patterns)? And at what thicknesses? Nowerdays, I wear plain BCR:s of 3.2 x 19 mm or 3.2 x 25 mm. It's no problem sleeping in them.
I agree, hoops for everyone! Most of my hoops are thicker ones, although I do wear some thinner ones that are 3" diameter. Lately I've been getting into the thicker ones, and I want to get some that are decorated with other danglings. I just got some really thick 3" hoops, and I love the feel of them slapping my face as I walk around. Love the weight of them too! Love long dangles sometimes too, how about you?
Hoop earrings look good on girls and thats it!
I really don't like the look of guys wearing earrings, although i do understand the body piercing thing
Each to their own, of course! It might also be that women think differently about fashion on men, than what (straight) men think of other men's dressing. Maybe in the same spirit that some women feel uneasy about other women's clothing, while men find it attractive?

Another interesting question that I have thought of some: If hoops are mainly for men, what similar/opposite fashion statement can men use, with comparable admiration from the other sexe? (*)

(*) this is probably to much to ask for, especially for us reading this forum... :-)
I guess I should qualify my fetish for Hoops and other earrings by saying that I am into freestyle or andyrogenous fashion. I believe that most every type of outer wear can be worn by either sex if they want and feel comfortable in them. I wear bits and pieces f men's and womens clothing ,etc. depending on what I like and what I feel comfortable in. This includes earrings!


longhairboi wrote: I believe that most every type of outer wear can be worn by either sex if they want and feel comfortable in them.

I fully agree with you. I am experementing with women fashion, to see which parts of it that look good on me. I still think that it is little of a balance, as I don't like the look of drag queens.

Because I like earrings so much, I also want them for my self, and hope that women will also like them, and find it exciting. And of course, women that are attracted to men with earrings probably also like to wear earrings them selves? Wink
I think you feel the same as me on dressing. I, by no means, want to look like a drag queen! I just feel more comfortable with certain types of clothing and jewlery that is supposed to be worn by women,like tight and low jeans, short tops, and many types of jewlery including big hoops. One thing I have found though, once you move up to wearing bigger hoops, its tough to go back to the smaller ones, they just don't feel right. I rarely go less than 1 1/2" now
Ever since my wife got those 6 inch hoops a few years ago I find myself wearing them around the hosue all the time when I am home alone. I will not wear earrings out in public and be seen. I did one night after work wear her 6 inch hoops home for the 1 hour drive I had to get home. That was exciting. I wear them around the hosue all the time. I have even pierced my ear for a second time and worn both 6 inch pairs together but not for long. I love the feeling and the fact that when I sit down I can see the hoops in front of my face and not have to move my head to see them.

Might be a good idea if you upload some pics so we can see how does it looks.
I have asked her to buy earrings for me and she said she would if I would wear them all of the time. I live a fairly conservative life and I am not too sure if it would fly with the people I am working and socializing with. They, for the most part, probably would not say too much. I love earrings and would like to wear them much more. The wife likes me in 'rings too.

She does buy me ladies sleep-wear. Not too wild but comfy and feminie. I have just bought sexy bikini color matching lacy undies to match my night shirts. I hope whe will like them on me.
I waited until I, a retired electrical engineer, was 67 before finally getting my ears pierced. Although a sexually "normal" guy, I wanted to wear earrings since I was about 5 years old. Sorry girls, you aren't the only ones who like them!

Like others who've posted here, my wife was not at all pleased when I presented her with my newly pierced ears. Too bad for her, I did this for myself. I have to admit that I felt like "slinking" out of the mall right after getting them pierced, but I got over that feeling really fast.

I have to admit that earrings on men sometimes look a bit off. I think this is mostly due to hair styling - longer hair covering or partially covering the ears is the main difference between the looks of earrings on men and women. And you have to admit that some ears are architecturally challenged for ear jewelery. A little hair covering some or parts of such ears would make all the difference.

Unfortunately for us men, our hair often fails us any time after 20 years, and hair styles that the majority of us wear are presently short. Personally, I'm lazy and probably wouldn't take the time to properly care for longer hair if I had it anyway.

I wear "regular" earrings and have whatever hole size that means I have. It has been a year since they were pierced and it seems like the hole has gotten bigger than it was six months ago. (I found the hole size can be checked by shining a flashlight through the back of my ear lobes.)

Personally, if I'm doing something active I often wear regular non-dangle post-type earrings. But I do like the feel of something "hanging," which for me is usually a hoop in the 1-2" size. For kicks I bought a long (and fairly heavy) pair of earrings from Hong Kong and liked the feel and swing of them. But because of the weight they tire out my ears, so I don't wear them often. And I'd never wear them in the shop because they might get tangled in something. It would be fun to try out one of those giant 6" or whatever hoops, though.

As to style, for me I'd like something with a bit more weight and bulk
than most ladies-type hoops. But I haven't found a good source for them.

After a year of wearing earrings, I have no self-consciousness or embarrassment feelings when wearing them outside the home. For me, it's a "take-me-as-you-see-me" or "get over it" sort of thing, whenever I think about it. Which is less and less.

I don't try to "rub it in" by wearing large or obnoxious "in your face" earrings. I'm not trying to make a statement or push social boundaries; I wear earrings only to please myself and for no other reason.

As to "social concerns" or "acceptance," the world hasn't stopped turning because someone, even friends, see me with my earrings on, which is all the time. And I don't expect that to happen any time in the future. So there is no stigma attached to my earrings, nor would I at this point in my life accept any judgement on the part of others.

No one has offered a second look (that I noticed), or a critical word, except my wife who I think has given up her attitude. Quite the contrary, I have had quite a few compliments on a couple of my favorite earrings, cheapies from where-ever bought on eBay. Given that I live in conservative New England (US) this means it really doesn't matter to most people anyway.

I must say that picking out my earrings of the day has become a rather pleasant morning exercise. Anyway, that's just me. I only wish that I'd started wearing them a long time ago...they're fun and at this point pretty much socially acceptable, if not universally loved by some women who claim ownership of the right to wear earware.

It'd be nice to hear from other guys about their experiences and feelings on this subject. For me, the whole experience of actually getting the piercing done was one of consummating personal growth by accepting who I really am...if not finally taking full ownership of my body.

Better late than never, I always say!
I have been curious about earrings since i was in elementary school. What they feel like, mainly. Recently over the summer i pierced my ears a few times to find out after buying several pairs on amazon, including some large hoops and some large and heavy dangles. Now I know. It was an underwhelming and overwhelming sensation when i first tried them on, and I keep wanting to wear them because the feeling is so intruiging. I wish it was an accepted fashion in society, but what with the mindset of society, men cant really pull it off. Still, we can hope.
I like large round earrings. I like to see them on women and on men. I have been pierced ears that I saw to my fitting. But the company is not accepted practice that men can wear large round earrings. If you wear large round earrings and men are called gay. No I am not gay I just like to wear. It is my passion. Nothing else. I hope that sometime in the society to be accepted as normal that men can wear large round earrings, silver or gold
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