January 04 2025 14:58:40
Server Downtime
NetworkAs many of you noticed, the site was down for the entire weekend :(

I apologize for this, I had planned several months back to switch servers when my time expired at my old host, and had everything ready to go. Sadly it just happened to line up with the weekend I was planning to be away on vacation. Things did not go quite as smoothly as planned, and several of my sites ended up being inaccessible.

As soon as I got home from my trip I got everything back up and running, and am happy to say that no data was lost. This new server allows me a lot more room for growth, I was already nearing the 5gb file space limit on my old server, whereas this one allows me to use up to 120gb. This means I can finally get to work on the videos section of this site, and start getting some more images online.
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