January 04 2025 14:35:53
A Few Updates
NewsAfter a bit of a slow period I've been inspired to get things rolling again. I have been silently working on a new version of this site and have neglected the current one in the mean time -- no more. I just reinstated the registration system, except users will require administrator activation. Which brings me to my next point, please help welcome our new admin joseo85! He has graciously offered to help out around the site. I have downloaded and installed a module to help manage pending user submissions, it seems a bit glitchy so I am working to get those resolved as PHP Fusion seems to have no native support for this (despite having the option to require admin activation). Hopefully this allows us to get new users on the site without opening the doors to the spam bots once again.

So far I've only made a few other changes. I fixed the broken images so you no longer need to click View Full Image, you go straight to the preview and then click the image to see a full sized version. I also made some tweaks to my pending images module to make it a bit easier for me to go through the submitted images and process them. It used to be a two step process, I'd go to a link, then click another link to see the image, then close that tab and approve it, then go back to the menu and repeat. Now it goes straight to the image with the option to approve it. The end result is I will hopefully be more inclined to sit down and go through all the images in the queue so you can all get some new content.

Next up I disabled the ads. There might be a few buried around the site still but the two sidebar ads are now gone. This site has always been a labour of love and not about money. That being said, I have fixed up the PayPal donation page a bit and added BitCoin as another payment option. Several people have been generous over the years and that has helped me cover my hosting costs, and I will always appreciate that. So I will keep that door open for those who choose to be generous.

So that's it for now. Hopefully more will follow soon.
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