January 04 2025 14:38:18
Free Stuff
NewsFirst off, I did some tweaks on the system today. Hoop-Earrings-Fetish.com is now a standalone website that mirrors the content of this site, rather than redirecting to it. I did this because google wasnt indexing both sites. Hopefully this will result in some more traffic, as up until now none of it has been from search engines.

I also switched back to Adbrite, as Adjungle was completely useless and was paying me a measly one cent per day. Which is a far cry from the $5/day they promised when I signed up. So we'll see how that does.

I also wanted to plug a really cool site that's floating around on the Internet right now. It's offered by Freepay.com and it allows you to get either a free iPod or a free flatscreen monitor. It sounds absolutely insane I know, but there is a catch. You have to sign up 5 friends, and complete one of their offers. The offers vary depending on your country. Myself I chose to do the Video Professor trial, which only requires $8.95 USD to ship it to me, then if I return it within 10 days I get a full refund -- easy enough.

And in case you're skeptical, here's some reviews on the site's legitimacy:
Daily Illini
Wired News

And of course, here's the referral links so I can get mine:
Flatscreen Monitor

Good luck! ;)
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