January 04 2025 14:38:27
Mega Update!
ModsWhew! What a night it's been, I've been hard at work the last few hours implementing several new features that were needed, and I'm very happy about how things turned out. There are three new panels available to all members, the recent comments panel, the recent photos panel, and the top photos panel. All of which are very handy utilities for keeping up to date with our recent media. I also tossed in a suggestions feature that I found, thought it'd be a good idea to open up the floor a little and see what I can do to improve the site.

I also wrote a new feature for my back end, an "approve all" button so now when I log in and find 100 new submissions I don't have to sit there for 2 hours doing it (and it happens a lot). Now if I could just write a mass submit script for videos like the one I found for images, I'd be set :D And speaking of videos...


The videos section has been released! There isn't much content in it yet, but hopefully my Super Members can help me out with that. I have a stockpile of videos but not only do they have to be tagged, they have to be convert to FLV (which is the most tedious part). For now this is somewhat of a beta test for the videos section, as there's still some tweaks and such that need to be made. But I've worked out all the major kinks and decided it was time to get it out the door, as it's been in the works far too long. Enjoy!

EarringGod #1 EarringGod
on June 22 2007 03:09:08
"Latest photos" and "recent comments" are great, so I don't have to look in all categories to see, if there's something new.
hlover #2 hlover
on June 22 2007 12:43:16
Yeah, it definitely makes life easier for finding new photos. The only only thing missing with both the latest photos and the top photos is it only shows a limited amount. I am going to design a page that it you can navigate into to see all of them. So if you wanted to browse through images by their rank, or by their age, then you can do that instead of browsing by category.
#3 John
on June 23 2007 01:27:06
Maybe a stupid question, but where can the video section be found?
hlover #4 hlover
on June 24 2007 15:57:48
Weird, I swear I answered this post yesterday... Guess I didn't :S

The videos section is only for Super Members, so you have to get promoted by donating something to the site, for full details view this page
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