January 02 2025 06:12:18
HoopFetish.com is Live!
NewsBought the domain HoopFetish.com today and moved all my content over from FreeHostia.com to my paid web host. So the doors are officially open. I wont be doing any promoting of the site just yet, however any traffic that stumbles upon my site is welcome.

I uploaded several more albums today as well. I am almost through the C's, however I stopped at Christina Aguilera because I have more photos of her than any other woman. So that album alone will take some time to upload.

Piecing It All Together
NewsAfter wanting to make this site for several years, I finally decided it was time to get the wheels rolling. I decided to use PHP-Fusion as my back-end because I didn't want to waste my time writing a back-end (even though I'm a PHP programmer), I wanted to focus my time into putting up content. After researching the various options for Portal systems, I found that PHP-Fusion was the closest match to what I needed.

So far I've posted a few articles, and a couple of albums of my image repository. I have 5000+ images of women wearing hoops (about 1 GB), so it may take some time to upload them all. I also have over 500 videos of women wearing hoops, which I will start uploading after the videos. I have somewhere around 50gb worth if you include all the DVDs full, so hosting all of them will be an issue. I would, however, like to host some of the better ones.
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