What a wonderful website! just stumbled accross it, I can see a lot of thought, time and effort have gone into this. Wonderful Job hlover!! Im please to be joining you hoop gang! good to see some other ladies on here too! xx
·LoveLobes on November 26 2009 ·
In Members · 1 Comment · 6303 Reads
My apologies for not responding to my emails for so long. That account gets a few hundred spam a day so I quit checking it long ago. I ended up creating a Gmail account and having it fetch all the email there since it's spam filters are so good. Managed to get some old emails but Gmail automatically deleted a bunch of the older ones, so if you don't get a response I apologize.
Well folks, its February and that means it's time for the sites second anniversary. So to celebrate I'd like to hold another contest. The rules are simple: you will be awarded points for every video and photo submission made (and approved). Every video is worth 15 points, photos are 10 points, and I will also be offering 5 points for every message posted on the forums. I will be announcing the prize in a few days.
Good luck!
If you'd like to see who's on top, I wrote a script that will calculate everyone's score. Show Scores
Was just checking out the stats on all of the sites I run and I noticed that this site had just passed 1 million hits. All I can say is wow! It took just under 2 years but I'd still say thats quite impressive. Thanks to everyone who submitted pictures and videos and help made this site a success.
Just switched most of the ads over from AdBrite to Google Adsense, hopefully I can get some decent cash out of all this traffic. AdBrite was only making me $1 a month off of 3000 impressions a day. Plus the ads are a little friendlier :D
Feel free to help keep this site alive, visit our sponsors!
Just added a Recent Videos section to the main page. Been meaning to do this for some time but just haven't had time to do so. Also added hotlinks to submit photos/videos to the bottom of each section. Other than that, I tweaked a few bugs with the video gallery system that have been bugging me.
Been working hard to make the website not only easier to navigate but also more welcoming to women. After adding some more sidebars I found the page becoming very cluttered. As useful as these new sidebars were I felt there had to be a better solution -- and one was found. I replaced the default entry page (which was this news feed) with a new page that highlights all the recent activity on the site. I believe this will make the page much more welcoming to new users as well as our returning users.
You may also have noticed some of the more subtle changes, such as new Forums, e-mail notifications for private messages and forum posts, a personal favourites option on the sidebar where you can bookmark any part of the site. There is also a score attributed to each user, at this point it has not been fully implemented but I have some really interesting plans for that which I wont reveal as of yet -- just be aware that you will earn points for posting in the forums, comments or submitting content.
There is much more exciting stuff to come, so keep your eyes open and keep checking the site out. I have a long list of updates and improvements to make to the site thanks to everyone's contributions and suggestions :D
After much procrastination, I finally installed an IRC Chatroom. You can connect by selecting it from the menu to the left, or if you're like myself and prefer to use an external chat client the server settings are as follows:
IRC Server: irc.freenode.net Port: 6667
Hope to see you all in the chat room :P
Update: Just added the much requested "Members in Chat" feature. On your left navigation bar, just under Members Online you will see who is currently in the chat room. Just be aware that if a member connects manually through an external client such as mIRC or Konversation, they wont be shown in this list.
Also, I just wanted to thank the members that have been making use of the chat room. So far it is turning out to be quite the success, I really didn't expect it to catch on so fast :D
Meant to post about this earlier in the month, but have been incredibly busy. The site hit its 1 year anniversary at the start of the month, and in that time we've managed to get 400+ plus members and over 5000 images -- that's amazing. Thanks to everyone who helped make this site a success, and keep those submissions coming!
I apologize for the long wait, January was a hectic month for me and I didn't have much time to think about this site. I tallied up the results, and overall I'm quite disappointed with them, I was really hoping for a bigger response. I had planned on doing another contest for February, since it marks the one year anniversary for this site, but seeing how this contest went I'm not sure if I'll bother.