March 06 2025 19:19:13
Video Gallery
MoviesI'm currently in the process of uploading a ton of videos, most of them are high quality, some are not so great. I have about 12gb of short video clips which I will start off with. I also have tons of DVDs and CD-Rs full of movies and what not, but for now I'm going to say those wont be offered as downloads. I will be offering both Youtube videos as well as the high quality downloads, however my plan at the moment is to restrict the high quality downloads to super members, which are people who have donated to the site, weather it be in the form of submitting photos/video or cash.

So far I've had just one kind person donate. Thank you very much for your generosity! You will be the first to see the new video gallery :P
Mass Upload Plug-in
NewsGood news, I found an awesome plug-in that lets me upload entire folders at once, and automatically tags them based on their filename. So no longer do I have to upload files one by one, which is extremely time consuming and tedious. I wish I had found this sooner, because some folders with lots of images I spent upwards of an hour submitting. So now that I have this plug-in I can finish uploading the rest of my collection, I've already added several albums today and will be adding more tomorrow.

I also found another plug-in a while back that allows me to make a movie gallery, I can either use Youtube videos or downloadable files. At the time I could never get it working, but after moving to this new server I've played with it some more and I'm happy to say that it works great! There's some tweaks I'm going to make to the code before I put it up though, plus I'd like to get all of my photos online first.

Also, as you may have noticed a few days ago I installed a plug-in for donations. This site was never created as a means for making money, however donations would be greatly appreciated as I've invested lots of money into hosting, domain names, and bandwidth. Thanks :P
New Server
BugsSorry for all the downtime lately, the new server I started using this month sucked. I was having non stop problems with them, one of the biggest ones was that I couldn't set recursive permissions on a folder, meaning if I set a folder to writable the files/folders created inside of it wouldn't inherit that. So that completely broke the ability to submit photos to the photo gallery. In order to add files I had to manually go in there and set their permissions, which is ridiculous.

So I'm on a new server now, wish I had found this one first as it offers much more in terms of bandwidth, storage space and I also have shell access (yay). Moving this entire site is a project on its own because of its sheer size (considering most photos average a megabyte, and I have over 2000 on here, thats ~2gb).

So once I'm all settled in here I would like to get things rolling again, as things have been slow lately. I have a few more projects to move onto this server so don't expect things to happen overnight. I still have thousands of images to upload, but the process of uploading and tagging them all is tedious. I also have gigs and gigs of videos I would like to start adding, and now with this server I finally have the space and bandwidth to get that rolling :P
Server Downtime
NetworkAs many of you noticed, the site was down for the entire weekend :(

I apologize for this, I had planned several months back to switch servers when my time expired at my old host, and had everything ready to go. Sadly it just happened to line up with the weekend I was planning to be away on vacation. Things did not go quite as smoothly as planned, and several of my sites ended up being inaccessible.

As soon as I got home from my trip I got everything back up and running, and am happy to say that no data was lost. This new server allows me a lot more room for growth, I was already nearing the 5gb file space limit on my old server, whereas this one allows me to use up to 120gb. This means I can finally get to work on the videos section of this site, and start getting some more images online.
Some Thanks Yous
JournalFirst off I want to thank those of you who have been submitting photos. I've been slacking lately due to my hectic life but the few of you submitting photos have kept this site moving forward, and I truly appreciate that. Second, I would like to apologize for being so slow with the updates lately, I barely have time to log on and approve the submitted photos each night. We just finished a huge project at work, so I've been putting in a lot of extra hours to see it happen, and when I come home I don't even want to look at a computer, so thankfully that is now out of the way.

Despite my absence, things have been going well around here. Traffic is always on an increase, which I always like to see. However the sign ups and forum posts seem to have died off, so I hope we haven't found the last of the hoop lovers that are out there in cyber-space. That could also be due to my lack of promoting this site lately.

I have fresh new batch of photos ready to go online, so you can expect to see those up hopefully this weekend, including some awesome photos of Sarah Connor wearing two huge pairs in her ears!
One Month
NewsToday marks the one month anniversary for this site. In the time I have upload 1500 images, we've had 30 sign ups (which equates to just over one per day). In the near future I am considering adding a videos section that is members only. Hopefully this will encourage some more activity on the forums. We shall see though.

Today is not only a good day because of the anniversary but also because of two new albums I just uploaded. The beautiful Jennifer Lopez and Jessica Alba. Both are large albums with tons of awesome pictures. I especially enjoy the ones of Jlo wearing multiple hoops in her ears. Drives me crazy!

And as always, there's still plenty more to come.
Free Stuff
NewsFirst off, I did some tweaks on the system today. is now a standalone website that mirrors the content of this site, rather than redirecting to it. I did this because google wasnt indexing both sites. Hopefully this will result in some more traffic, as up until now none of it has been from search engines.

I also switched back to Adbrite, as Adjungle was completely useless and was paying me a measly one cent per day. Which is a far cry from the $5/day they promised when I signed up. So we'll see how that does.

I also wanted to plug a really cool site that's floating around on the Internet right now. It's offered by and it allows you to get either a free iPod or a free flatscreen monitor. It sounds absolutely insane I know, but there is a catch. You have to sign up 5 friends, and complete one of their offers. The offers vary depending on your country. Myself I chose to do the Video Professor trial, which only requires $8.95 USD to ship it to me, then if I return it within 10 days I get a full refund -- easy enough.

And in case you're skeptical, here's some reviews on the site's legitimacy:
Daily Illini
Wired News

And of course, here's the referral links so I can get mine:
Flatscreen Monitor

Good luck! ;)
SecurityI've been getting a ton of spam in the last week, so I had to disable commenting on posts. Hopefully it doesn't find its way into the gallery because I have to disable the commenting on each image individually :(

On the bright side, this week started off very slow as far as traffic goes, then exploded later in the week. I'm not sure if this is due to the new domain that I registered ( or if its just spam bots trying to take advantage of my site. I am a little disappointed though in the low numbers of sign ups and submissions I've been getting. In the month that this site has been up I've only received 25 sign ups :(

I added several new albums today, and will probably add some more later tonight or tomorrow. So enjoy!
Small Update
GraphicsDidn't get nearly as much time as I hoped to work on the site this weekend. I managed to get about 5 new albums up, as well as approve a bunch of submissions from our friend Robert Likeglass.

I also did some browsing around and managed to find a PHP Fusion plugin that will allow me to create a video gallery as well. Since videos take up a huge amount of space and bandwidth I will be hosting them at Youtube and other free media hosting sites. Sadly the quality will suffer due to this, but if there's a specific video you'd like at its fullest quality you could always email me and we can work something out.
Hoop Fetish Store
ModsToday I launched the offical Hoop Fetish Store. Its an drive store that specializes in hoop earrings. If you're anything like me and you're too shy/nervous to buy your girlfriend hoops from the store, then this is a great place to solve that problem.

I also finished off the Jessica Simpson gallery, and started to upload my Christina Aguilera collection. I'm not sure how far I'll get today, but I'm hoping to get a few more albums up this afternoon.
New Logo
GraphicsI finally got the time to put together a simple logo for the page (rather than the PHP Fusion logo that was still in place). It's not the greatest, but it will have to do for now.

I also wanted to go over some rules for this site. I strongly encourage users to actively participate, by posting in the forums and submitting pictures and links, but I want to make it clear that this will be a tasteful site and not a home for adult content. I may at some point open a sister site with adult content if there is a strong desire for it. I not only want women to feel welcome here and participate in the community if they so choose to, but I would also like to put Google Adsense on here to help cover hosting costs, and they require that no adult content be on the site.

So keep it clean :P
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